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Uncovering the Benefits of IV Therapy

More people than ever are turning to intravenous therapy, also referred to as simply IV therapy, to enhance their health and well-being. Nutrients and fluids are administered directly into a person’s bloodstream during IV therapy through either a catheter or a needle.

There is an array of different benefits to undergoing intravenous therapy. Read on for some of the most important benefits you can derive from having vitamins, other nutrients, and fluids administered through an IV drip into your body.

Benefits of IV Therapy

There are many benefits to IV therapy, including the main ones listed in detail below.

Improved Nutrient Absorption

When you eat foods or drink fluids, the nutrients that are included in those foods and drinks have to go through your entire digestive system before they are released into your bloodstream. That means the process is very inefficient and slow-moving, and many nutrients can get lost. On the upside, using IV therapy can give nutrients straight into your bloodstream, bypassing your digestive system entirely. This will allow your body to absorb a larger amount of nutrients, giving you improved health and a better sense of overall well-being. IV therapy is very good for people who have digestive disorders, such as Crohn’s disease or diverticulitis. IV therapy allows them to get the much-needed nutrients for their bodies that they are not getting from the food they eat due to their diseases.

Get More Energy

In today’s fast-paced world, many people are complaining that they just don’t have enough energy to get everything they need to do daily. IV therapy can help you with that issue. This is due to the fact that IV therapy can provide you with very high doses of vitamins and minerals that are not only put into your bloodstream but directly into your body cells that need them to survive. That means that even people with chronic illnesses or some type of nutrient deficiency will still be able to get rid of the feeling of fatigue they have on a daily basis. For everyone else, it will still give you that energy boost that you crave.

Less Inflammation

Many people suffer from injuries and infections, which trigger the body’s response with increased inflammation in the areas affected. There are also many people who, unfortunately, suffer from chronic inflammation, which can lead to other health issues. Some of the diseases that come from chronic inflammation include heart disease, arthritis, and even cancer. IV therapy can provide you with high doses of antioxidants and other nutrients that decrease inflammation directly into your cells that need them. You will then experience less inflammation, and it will lower your risk of ending up with some type of chronic or even terminal illness.

Immune Function is Important

If the latest health scare taught us anything, it is the fact that everyone needs to pay attention to their immune systems. IV therapy is used in many cases to boost the immune system of people of all ages. This is due to the fact that the nutrients that are delivered through IV therapy are created to support your body’s natural defense mechanisms. This helps your body to fight off diseases, illnesses, and even infections. This type of therapy can also benefit people undergoing cancer treatment because it can help support their immune systems as they make their way through the process of battling cancer. No one needs to come down with a horrible infection or illness while they are battling a life-threatening disease, and IV therapy can help lower the risk of that occurring.

Better Athlete

Many people who are very into fitness and even athletes are turning to IV therapy to help improve their endurance levels as well as their performance. IV therapy can even help a person’s body recover faster after exercise since it delivers high doses of a variety of nutrients and minerals directly into the cells that need them the most. IV therapy can also help people reduce their level of muscle soreness after exercise and improve overall muscle recovery. Since IV therapy can provide your body with more fluids, you can replace the fluids quickly that you lose during exercise or an athletic event, improving your overall hydration level.

Recovery From a Night Out

Many people need a night out on the town once in a while, but they also pay the price the day after. This is because drinking alcohol causes your body to lose a lot of water, which means the day after you drink, you have a hangover because you are dehydrated. This will give you a headache and simply make you feel bad the next day. Many people turn to IV therapy to get rid of the hangover since the fluids, nutrients and minerals the body needs to function properly are replaced immediately.

Skin Care is Self-Care

As we get older, our skin begins to wrinkle and lose elasticity because of the lack of proper hydration. This is the reason IV therapy can be very beneficial when it comes to the health of your skin. The types of nutrients, minerals, and fluids provided to your body through intravenous therapy can help support collagen production, which you need to have healthy skin.

Glutathione encourages the effect of skin lighting and brightening. Since your skin has much more hydration from IV therapy, you will have less noticeable fine lines and wrinkles, leaving your skin looking plump and youthful.

Losing weight to feel healthy

For some, diet and exercise alone has not been successful in combating those extra pounds. Weight Loss IV infusion can help boost your metabolism, burn off excess, unwanted fat, and increases your energy, helping you feel more motivated to stay active. Key ingredients can aid in proper metabolism and removal of fat, boost your energy, lower cholesterol, reduce fatty liver disease, improve your mood and can even lower your risk of heart disease, strokes and dementia.

Healing after surgery

Key components can activate and support a robust immune response to optimize surgical results faster, decrease inflammation, pain, and risk of infection, reduce swelling and bruising, increase collagen production, enhance healing and tissue repair, help wound healing, reduce scarring and support the liver to detox anesthesia out of your system faster. Pre & Post Op IV Therapy Treatments can help to bring your body to peak performance both before and after your surgery.  


Contact Us

If you are looking for a way to improve your overall health and well-being while also boosting your energy levels, increasing your immune function, and having better skin, hair, and nails, make an appointment today with the IV therapy experts at Drip Runner.

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