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NAD+ IV Therapy: What is it and How Does it Works?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a coenzyme found in all living cells. NAD has even been referred to as an anti-aging molecule. This may be because it plays many different and important roles in promoting health and well-being and prolonging people’s lifespans.

NAD is a very powerful molecule that studies have shown can assist in battling the many effects of aging as well as chronic conditions on the body and the mind. Read on for more information on how this amazing coenzyme affects your body and brain and how NAD+ IV therapy can improve your overall health and well-being.

What Is NAD+ IV Therapy?

There are many different options when it comes to IV therapy and IV nutrition therapy that Drip Runner offers. These types of intravenous infusions provide your body with various supplements and vitamins while promoting a higher level of health and well-being overall.

By receiving infusions of NAD+ through an IV drip, you can be assured that you are getting 100 percent bioavailability from this very important molecule. This means that your body will be able to absorb the highest possible level of supplemental coenzymes and then convert them into monocular energy.

You can also take oral supplements of NAD+, but it is much more difficult for your body to absorb it through that method. The NAD+ IV therapy provided by Drip Runner is the safest and most efficient way to supplement this coenzyme inside your body and slow down the aging process.

Below is a list of the many benefits to your body from NAD+ IV therapy:

  • Promotes healthy brain function
  • Increase in energy
  • Slows down the process of cognitive decline
  • Battles chronic fatigue
  • Increases your body’s metabolism
  • Promotes the regeneration of cells throughout your body
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Decreases inflammation throughout the body

Below is a list of the benefits your brain will receive from NAD+ IV infusion therapy:

  • Decreases mental fog in your brain, also known as brain fog, as you age.
  • Increase mental sharpness
  • Makes you feel better on a day-to-day basis. Contributes to your overall feeling of well-being
  • Activate your brains neuron function by assisting cells in regenerating
  • Protect cells from damage over time
  • Increases mental cognition, which encompasses higher concentration levels, enhanced memory functions, and even more mental clarity
  • The overall increase in brain function can assist you in overcoming other types of mental struggles. This means that IV therapy with NAD+ can help protect you against things like anxiety, mood disorders, and depression

How Does NAD+ Benefit the Body?

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) comes in two forms. The active form is known as NAD+, while its inactive form is referred to as NADH. NAD+ therapy was discovered first by scientists in the early 1900s, but people only recently started learning about its full potential. NAD+ plays a role in various biological processes, so scientists and doctors are studying it to determine how it can be used to maintain healthy neurological systems and organs in people’s bodies.

NAD+ is referred to as a helper molecule. This is because it attaches to other enzymes in the body to activate them and then generate molecular reactions. For instance, some proteins are called sirtuins responsible for carrying out various biological processes within your body. They require NAD+ to be able to function properly.

When it comes down to it, we all need NAD+ to live and survive. As we age, our bodies generate less of this very important coenzyme. As our levels of NAD plus decrease, we begin to feel the effects of aging and become more susceptible to aging-related illnesses as the years go by.

By supplementing NAD+ in your body through intravenous therapy, you can help your body fight against the aging process and the illnesses that come with it so you can feel younger and healthier for much longer.

Effects of NAD+ IV Therapy on Metabolism and Levels of Energy

Whether you are fighting chronic fatigue syndrome due to an illness or just because you’re getting older or not, NAD+ will give you much more energy and charisma once again. Drip Runner can provide you with a coenzyme infusion administered through an IV that will help provide energy to the cells throughout your body on a molecular level to give you the energy back you once had. Also, NAD+ can help increase your metabolism while helping you manage your weight as well as the levels of sugars in your blood.

Other Benefits from NAD+ IV Therapy

Infusions of NAD+ through an IV by Drip Runner can help reduce inflammation throughout your body. If you suffer an injury, your body will recover much quicker. NAD+ also assists in the repair of damaged DNA inside your body by activating your body’s poly ADP-ribose polymerases (PARPS).

Contact Us

To be well on your way to fighting off the aging process while giving you more energy and mental clarity, call the NAD+ IV therapy specialists at Drip Runner today. The Drip Runner professionals responsible for administering IV therapies are registered nurses, which means you will be in good hands from start to finish. Along with NAD+ IV therapy, Drip Runner offers an array of other types of IV therapies, such as Myers Cocktails, Immune Boost+, Hydrate+, pre and post-op IV therapies, and much more. Call today for an appointment or book one online.

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